Work. Content. & Ideas.
("Option Alternative")
The prototype/hypothetical Currency that will usher in & signify: *
"A New Epoch.A New Vision.A New Future... ">
- Superior Concept Design
- Lighting
- Colors
- User Interface
- Mobility
- Synchronization
- Emphasis of work/play balance and unification of geometric principles that represent means for purpose, practicality, and purchasing power.
Complimentary w/visuals/keypad, monies allocated.
A typical work week:
4 days>Productive week, but with play.
5 days>A full work week.
- This includes professionals and the like making $250,000 +
- The Idea would not be that of outright socialism, but fair play for people who want something new.
- If you choose to desire a different type of system, that is also fine.
Some would say that this is an extension of the Federal Reserve and that could be true, but at the same time, I think we all need something new in a sense.
FoCal Points
- All work days are optional. but you won't get a color on 12 sides to appear if you don't work in some fashion along with the colors on the shape itself.
- There will be 5 or 6 colors on the shape, each representing and corresponding to how many days worked and money earned. Either per hour or salary..
- Money will not be issued in dollars, chips, coins, et cetera..unless requested.
- The shape will coinside with the color that you will recieve based on performance or lack their of.
- BY DOING THIS, it would eliminate a lot of things, but even I recognize that the WORLD would never be the same again.
?/*Do you think Option Alternative is a cool idea*/?

SubconsciousThought Imaging Punishment &/
Subconscious Thought Imaging Glasses
=If one does not see option alternative as a reasonable choice, the a mandatory S.T.I.P. will be enforced.
= STIP will be a person who chooses to be adherent to the old system of taxes, credits, and a regular way of doing things in defiance of Option Alternative.
= The punishment will be a person who wears the glasses and his/her thought pattern images are transferred and uploaded to youtube for the whole world to see each time he or she punches the time clock.(however embarassing)
.*The person with STIP does not get to see his or her own subconscious thoughts.
=STIG will be the opposite. A person who operates under O>A. with reasonable control, will be allowed to view his or her subconscious thought images and share them on youtube.. et cetera.
=Any other Ideas for STIG?
Food a Grams
- A person who chooses S.T.I.P. will have to pay a premium on a food-a-gram service. A tv channel that will feature regular food that one will be able to grab after a holographic model of the food is presented and materialized into real food.
- A person who chooses STIG. will ultimately get the food for free.
- The only penalty will be (2) mandatory STIG uploads a week.
(I have no idea how somebody would be able to make this work, but if you find a way, i'll kiss your butt.)
. Drivel Guff Gum.
.Ideas/Commentary/Notes on Edgar Cayce and various opinions/facts/equations....
.Reference for some idiosycrises of different states of the mind, brain... As well as commentary on selected portions of Edgar Cayce's 4 complete books.
- Fear is created by the illusion of separation as well as misuse of instinctual attributes.
- Freewill is stronger than destiny, the idea of destiny being good or bad is dependent on perceptive mind states within individualized frames of references in relation to separate & collective goals.
- The monophysite doctrine?
- It was this sect that was later to discredit all allusion to reincarnation in the early gospels and split the church into two warring factions.
- Metempsychosis-Transmigration of the soul after death.. A la reincarnation
- (The same law governs all planets). "Each individual must lead own life . whether in this sphere or in the planes".
- All insufficent matter is cast into Saturn.
- It had never been God's intent that souls should ever manifest on this earth in human bodies, there as yet to division of the souls into male & female.
- Telekinesis equation: TK=Cerebral Intent+Iron+Visual Contact+ZeroPoint energy + Sleep Deprivation+vitamin E
- 3 fundamentals of Telekinesis=:
- Focus
- Energy
- Force
- Ideas are formulated in the fourth dimension or the Ideaosphere/morphogenic field as it's called.